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Students Choose Classroom Name

Last month the news of the outdoor classroom project spread throughout GHE. Our PTA reached out to the teachers, faculty, and students for thoughts and feedback. Excited about the upcoming outdoor classroom, our Green Hope Elementary falcons have selected a name for our future outdoor learning space... FALCON'S NEST.


Falcon's Nest Logo Dark Green


The new name of our outdoor space was selected through a multiple choice survey given to each class. Of the choices, Fort Falcon, Freddie's Fort, SOAR Lab, Falcon's Nest, and SOAR Nest, the classes selected Falcon's Nest as their favorite. With this decision, we are one step closer to reaching our goal of making the new outdoor classroom space a reality. 


Freddie Falcon with Flag GHE PTA is excited that our students will be able to SOAR outdoors, learning and growing, with fresh air and sunshine. Our next steps include reaching out to local businesses for sponsorships, donations, and resources. If you know of a business that would be willing to donate time, materials, or funding, or if you are able to contribute, please reach out to us at 

GHE PTA on 2/6/2021 11:32 am